Friday, March 19, 2010

Partridge Breasted Aloe

By TheJenny, Guest Blogger

A native of South Africa and of a teacup in my kitchen window, the partridge breasted aloe is supposed to flower in the summer. Technically, February is summer time in South my awkward little plant sent up a flower spike and bloomed. Cute. Tall. Still pretty awkward. What to do now? Should I divide it and repot? I'm open to suggestions. I think it could look happier.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Succulent Window In Winter

By TheJenny, Guest Blogger

The succulent window is even happier in winter. We first met it in June 2009 when it was freshly assembled. Since then it has gone crazy. It's like my own personal episode of Plants Gone Wild. The aeonium arboreumhas has gone especially nuts. I rotate it every week or so to keep its trunk growing vertically, otherwise it constantly tilts toward the light. Apparently it is also terribly delicious because it is in constant danger from the blind cat that wants to chew on it. That's a bad kitty.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Things We Lost In The Freeze

By TheJenny, Guest Blogger

During the very freezy temperatures we had a few months back some of my plants got hurt. Some got hurt bad. Poor jade on the back porch froze so badly it dropped most all of its leaves.

The ajuga (bugleweed) ground cover froze and crinkled and died. Good news on both counts; repotted the jade and it is starting to grow fresh new leaves, and since the ajuga was pretty well established, it is growing some tiny green buds (soon to be purple leaves). Hopefully the ajuga will mature in time to flower for the spring, the lavender flower spikes are a highlight of the front yard duning that season.

One thing I did learn with the freeze is if your jade plant gets caught in the cold and drops its leaves, don't water it until it starts to grow new leaves. Otherwise you could cause the roots to rot. And knowing is half the battle...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Orchid Challenge, the Rescued One!

This was only the second orchid I have ever owned and it was surrendered by my boss back in 2008. I boldly said I would get it to bloom because I had made one single other orchid bloom. Cocky, I know. But, it's part of the orchid challenge.

Well, two years later and some patient waiting the little orchid that could has come back from the brink to shoot up a modest little spike. I'm excited to see what the hell it actually is!

So, if you have been counting, it's exactly half of my orchids with promising blooms. If they hang in there an flower I will win! Which is sort of surprising because as of late, I have been a bad, bad plant person. Nothing like outright killing, but the worse slow neglect. I swear I will reform my soon as I have a weekend at home.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bring on the Spring

By TheJenny, Guest Blogger

Spring has always been my favorite season. It's a glorious time to be outside. With the wonky temperature, spring started early this year, which is just fine by me. The evergreen clematis vine is blooming and looks like a thick white cloud clinging to the pergola. The flowers are simple and lovely and smell very faintly of jasmine. The golden-green leaves are unfurling on the barberry shrubs. The camellia we planted last year is blooming it big pure white blooms, so symmetrical and geometrically perfect.

On the first warmish sunny weekend in February, I hit the nursery along with the other plant nuts and spruced up the front yard. Among the plants I added were martinii euphorbia (my favorite), an orange flowered lovely for a ontainer, and a soon to be pink-flowered ground cover (myoporum) beneath a tree.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bloomin' Crazy at the Sacramento Zoo

Yes, I work at the Sacramento Zoo - I think I've told you that before. Well a good portion of my plants have come from their Bloomin' Crazy Plant Fest on the first Saturday in March. Mainly my orchids because there are a couple of orchid clubs that are there. They are super helpful and have a great variety of plants for sale.
The African violet society had known the pleasure of my commerce as well as the vermiculture folks. Their worm castings are just fabulous on indoor plants. The Geranium club, lavender farm and a couple of other nurseries have also sucked me in over the years. And the rare fruit growers are just a treasure trove.

The nice thing is that they are honest. If you come across as someone who is going to kill their precious plant they will tell you. That helps me. I don't want to take something home when I know it will just slowly die.

So, come out on March 6th. I'll be there!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Orchid Challenge, Aussie Chip Buds

This little orchid came home with me last year, and it helping me reach my goal on the orchid challenge. It has grown so many new leaves that it became top heavy and I have had to cram it into a small pot just to keep it up right.

Some of the newer shoots are now sporting tiny spikes that are starting to form. We shall see how it does.