Thursday, December 8, 2011

Succulent Seeds Itself

This adorable little succulent is one of my favorites. Here is the whole back story and you can see how awesome it looks when it blooms. I've since repotted it into something a little larger and it's bursting at the seams again. This year when it bloomed I noticed it was going to seed. I kept meaning to gather the seeds, but because I'm lame, I forgot.

It went along with out me and seeded itself into the pots that live nearby. I found a little tiny sprout in two empty pots that used to house freesia bulbs and one growing in the moss around the heliotrope.

Once they grew a little more, I transplanted them into their own little containers and gave them away as gifts. Remember how I said they "used to" house freesia? Yeah, I guess I didn't pull out all the bulbs because my friends have reported back that something else is growing now that winter is here. Oops. I mean, bonus!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

All Tucked In...

...and ready for frost. With lows in the high 20's, we are reaching hard frost status. Our porch is on the second story and three sides have stucco walls so it doesn't get quite as cold as gardens and open spaces.

Still, I piled all my plants against the house, strung some Christmas lights and covered them up with old sheets. Let's hope it works.