Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Seeds Sprouting

This is so weird.

I carve pumpkins every year, it's just tons of fun. And I also make one for the Zoo to use for our Halloween event. This year, I am doing it early to use as a photo shoot piece.

So, I am digging out the innards and find a green leaf. I stared at it and was trying to figure out how it got in with my pumpkin guts. Then I found more.

About a half dozen seeds had sprouted inside the pumpkin! They looked like bean sprouts. Have you ever seen this before?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Patience is a virtue...

I've had this plant for probably ten years now, but I had no idea it flowered. I've long since lost the info tag that must have come with it, but I looked it up and think it's a Peperomia obtusifolia.

It's been an indoor plant all it's life, until this year when I put it outside for some reason... it's been getting much more sunlight and water than it ever has, and here's what happened:

OK maybe flowered is a stretch of our normal idea of flowers...those spikes comng up out of the plant are the flowers.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Spider Plant

I have a number of small spider plants all derived from a plant my boyfriends Dad had 10 years ago (I think he still has the plant). They chug along, living life, but not always well. There are usually bouts of dry soil, soggy soil, and less than ideal lighting throughout their lifetime which stunt their growth, and make them a little sad.

One of these spider plants was outdoors during our one unusual night of winter freeze last year (in the east SF Bay Area, it is indeed rare to have a freeze...) and it died.

well, I thought it died anyway, I don't have a picture of the dead palnt, but if you imagine a terracotta pot with a few little brown shrivled blades sticking out of the dirt, that's pretty much what it looked like. I never got around to taking it out of the pot, or bringing it inside... and in the spring it came back lush, and beautiful.

When I moved to a new space in our office at work, I decided to bring it in, since there was a perfect window for it to live in. It was extremely happy, and all my coworkers thought I had a seriously green thumb ;-) but really, it was just good luck.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hummingbirds on the Condo Porch

Okay, this is so cool! We live in a condo, so as you can imagine, there isn't a lot of green right around us. We are next to a park and wetland, but if you look off our porch, nothing but asphalt, stucco and other non-natural substances.

So, consider my surprise when hummingbirds started visiting our little tiny porch!!! They just love the aloe flowers that I posted about earlier and they come back every few days to try out the new blooms that opened up.

It makes me happy to feed some wildlife and actually have some nature happening at our condo. Score one for the plant covered porch!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Elephant Ear Plant

My little Elephant Ear plant was a random Home Depot purchase about 5 years ago. It never seemed very happy in our other homes, but it likes the little spot it's in now. We have a stair case that goes down to the garage and we keep our wine there, since it doesn't get any sun light. There is a little window, but since everyone who walks by can see in it, we keep the shades closes most of the way.

The Elephant Ear just sits right next to the window and gets its little leaves through the blinds every once in a while, then I turn it.

It has two stalks, and a few months ago all the leaves went through their normal growing/dying routine, but nothing new was sprouting. There were just two stalks. I figured they weren't dead so I cut back on the watering and over the summer it just sort of looked sad.

Then a few weeks back one leaf sprouted - nice and adorably small compared to what it was. And now I have four leaves, two on each stalk. It totally looks better than ever!
I have no idea how it happened, but it has come back to life and looks like a whole new plant. Maybe it's just glad I didn't kill it.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I have been spending every waking moment at work for the past 10 days. My plants are suffering something awful. I actually get a day off tomorrow and a good portion of it will be spent on trying to get my plants to forgive me and not die.

Wish me luck.