Friday, May 9, 2014

Orchid: First Bloom!

I picked up this adorable little Den Jenkinsii back in 2009 in a tiny little 1.5 inch pot. Since then it has grown and been repotted but never bloomed until list past year! Come to find out it has soft orange blooms and is pretty prolific. This year it started sending out blooms sprouts but then they all fell off. So that sucked. But hopefully next year I can get them to bloom again.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Geraniums That Don't Suck

Geraniums. Those atrocious thick, weird smelling plants that took over the flower boxes of all our grandmas houses. These are not those geraniums! All three of mine are blooming like mad on the porch right now.

Rescue: I have no idea what this one is but I took it from a friend who was moving out of town.
Geranium: Flaming Katie
Geranium: Vancouver Cenntenial