Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bridal Shower Flowers

I helped a friend of mine with some flowers for her sister-in-law's bridal shower. She was going for a culinary kitchen theme so the main arrangements were cute colanders. She had a pretty specific color theme so I just helped her pick out the flowers and then arrange them. Turned out well, I think.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Macro Flowers

I got a fancy new Olloclip for my anniversary with a really cool set of 10x and 15x macro lens. Of course, what did I do? Take amazingly close photos of flowers. But who can blame me?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Shaggy Ficus

Shaggiest Ficus ever. Needs a trim.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Half-life Party Flowers

Ben and I celebrated 20 years of unwedded bliss with a big old party at the Citizen Hotel. Our invite colors were dark grey and yellow. I made one large arrangement for the welcome table and a few little ones for the cocktail tables. Nothing too fancy, but gorgeous nonetheless.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Happy Little Porch

I've been neglecting all my plants but especially my porch. I repotted a bunch of plants back in July but that is about all I've done. So I finally trimmed, pruned, and cleaned everything up. They are all looking a little better.
After - clean & pruned.

Before - messing & overgrown.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Last Orchid Bloom

My last orchid bloom dropped on September 1st. It started blooming in early April or maybe even March so this year's run was pretty fantastic. Good job little bloomer. Good job.