Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hearty Fork Farm

So I've been helping out the Hearty Fork Farm with some of their social media I'm thoroughly enjoying it! Have my plants suffered? Yes. Did I kill my rosemary bush at work that I've had for over 15 years? Yes.

Well, it's still fun taking photos on a farm and seeing some different nature grown in dirt. I desperately need some more dirt in my life. My condo porch and container planters will only go so far. It's good for my soul and not good for my plants at home.

Eggplant flower
Zinnia flower
Dill gone to seed
Squash blossom

Monday, August 10, 2015

Donner Lake

It's been a tough summer and I didn't realized how much I missed nature and plants until on my way to Donner Lake I pulled over at Sly Park rest stop and this was my view. I could see my breathe, it was raining and at home in Sacramento it was over 100 degrees. It smelled fresh and wonderful and clean and earthy. It was restorative.

Get outside people. While you can and whenever you can - get outside!