By TheJenny, Guest Blogger
During the very freezy temperatures we had a few months back some of my plants got hurt. Some got hurt bad. Poor jade on the back porch froze so badly it dropped most all of its leaves.
The ajuga (bugleweed) ground cover froze and crinkled and died. Good news on both counts; repotted the jade and it is starting to grow fresh new leaves, and since the ajuga was pretty well established, it is growing some tiny green buds (soon to be purple leaves). Hopefully the ajuga will mature in time to flower for the spring, the lavender flower spikes are a highlight of the front yard duning that season.
One thing I did learn with the freeze is if your jade plant gets caught in the cold and drops its leaves, don't water it until it starts to grow new leaves. Otherwise you could cause the roots to rot. And knowing is half the battle...