Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bulbs Again, Surprise!!!

So, back when the condo porch was in full flush of spring, I had a ton of bulbs in all my extra pots..I honestly can't remember exactly what they were. Freesia, Runnunclus, some other stuff...

When they died back in mid summer, I trimmed the green parts and sort of stashed the pots behind the table with the grand scheme of digging out the bulbs and throwing them in the garage over the winter to use again. Well, surprise! It's winter, the porch is all wet from the rain and all the pots are sprouting again...even though I have them stacked on top of each other :). I only noticed because the greens were sticking out the sides.

Apparently, I am now growing bulbs again! I'll see what they are in a month or so when they bloom. Wow, I suck at plants sometimes.

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