I love Meyer lemons. Yes, I know they aren't actually lemons, more oranges, but I love them. I always prefer them over Eureka's and always look for someone who has a tree that will support my habit.
Since I'm in a condo, I've never had a tree,
but finally impulse bought a small tree at Home Depot a couple of years ago, because I just couldn't help myself anymore.
The first year, it had a couple dozen blooms but no lemons which isn't surprising. I wasn't expecting much the second year because it's in a pretty small pot but I have a secret weapon. One little hummingbird.
This year the tree was covered in blooms. Jam packed with probably hundreds of blooms. Dripping blooms that the hummingbird just loved. I keep a hummingbird feeder in the lemon tree pot during the winter to keep her around. At first I thought it was the bees, but now I know better. That little bird is the key!
So this year there were nine lemons on this little tree and they were huge lemons! I will say they are the best Meyer lemons I have had. I'm so proud! For our Christmas, we make lemondrops as our holiday cocktail and this year we used our very own.
Here's a photo of our last lemon before I picked it.