I must have gotten this aloe plant back in Davis, when we were living in an apartment. That puts at 10 years old. When we moved into a Duplex, I planted in the ground, since I thought it would be happier there. It was.
After living in the ground for two years, I did the unthinkable. I dug it up and took it with me when we moved. Surprisingly, it survived just fine and started growing some new leaves. Three years after that, we moved into our condo we are in now and it took off like a crazy plant!
I have transplanted it twice in three years, and also trimmed off about a third and gave it to a friend. It has already out grown the pot again and seems like I need to chop off another section. You can't even see the damn pot under it anymore!
The craziest thing is that since we have lived here, it flowers about twice a year. One very long stalk starts growing and sprouts small, tubular bell-like orange flowers on a spike. the tallest it has gotten is about 4 1/2 tall.
It just started to sprout again and it is always out of the oldest part of the plant. I think it is trying to tell me to re pot it again, so I guess I should put that on the list of things to do.