Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Pale Green Thumb

I really like plants. I think at last count I have 50 in my 1200 sq. ft. condo with mini porch. I didn't think I was a crazy plant person until I started talking about them with pronouns, and reminiscing about how "I've had that one for 8 years...I rescued that one from a coworker...", etc.

It was actually my boyfriend that gave me the idea to start a blog about it. Honestly, I think he wants me to have a different outlet for talking about it, so he doesn't have to come an look at new blooms, or happy plants, or new plants...Can't say I blame him!

But here's the truth: I'm not really a plant person. I don't know what I am doing, I only have a short attention span for gardening magazine, and I think I am pretty damn lazy. I probably invest more time into my plants than the average person, but sure as hell don't spend that much time on them. And almost no money. I think I go to Home Depot about four times a year to buy the absolute basic needs - and that's it!

I kill less plants than I save, so I figure I can at least claim to have a pale green thumb. Not totally green, but not black. I don't really want to do everything you are supposed to do with plants, because I just don't have the time. I do the things that have the biggest impact and call it good. I don't have to know what kind of plant it is - if I do, that's just a bonus.

Most of my friends fit into this category. We work a lot. We go out a lot. And we love plants.

So, this will be my attempt to give the lazy, naturally-talented plant person their due, without the scorn of the uber-green thumb people out there. Yes, we know we could do more. Yes, we know we could go out and buy species specific fertilizer to fix the problem, but we're going to use Miracle Grow on everything, cause that's what we have!

We'll see where we go from there!

This is a photo of my mini-porch. It was shamelessly taken in the height of spring at it's very best! Never will it look like this again...

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