Saturday, February 27, 2010

Orchid Challenge, Lady Slipper

By TheJenny, Guest Blogger

New Orchid coming! One of my favorite types Paphiopedilum or "Lady Slipper" orchid, or as I call them, the ugly pitcher plant orchid. The flower is purple and green and the petals are warty. It's quite fantastic. The blossom should be here in a month or so, I'll update with a picture when it blooms.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Orchid Challange, something's growing

To date, we have three takers on the orchid challenge and we all seem to be doing quite well!

This is what I call my spaceship orchid, or Epi. Green Hornet, lancifolium x cochleatum. It grew a new shoot this year, which I have not figured out is where the blooms come from. The old ones never bloom again.

The new shoot has a little something growing inside it! Hopefully this will translate into some blooms in the near future.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Saga of the Cymbidium

Oh, we have another taker on the orchid challenge!

By Guest Blogger, Marisa

Well my darling C has been living on my back patio under the patio cover quite contentedly for about 3 years now. It has very enthusiastically tripled in size and despite the first year of playing opossum, has bloomed gorgeously for the last two.

This year however, despite its seemingly sufficient protection, it fell prey to the deadly frost we had back in December. Imagine my dismay when I discovered the blackened and shriveled remains of at least four promising spikes, only just preparing to be showstopping beauties in February!

My C was not to be deterred however, and came roaring back with extra vigor to produce four healthy replacements to dazzle me. The first of its efforts is shown here, three more to open! I am a proud mother. Just wait until my mystery phaleonopsis opens. The crowing and photos to follow! (she says hopefully)