This is the fourth of 8 orchids that bloomed. This one seems to bloom late so it's late summer and it's just doing its thing now. I have to say that this was my ringer. It has bloomed every year so I was pretty confident. It's an Epi. Green Hornet (read more on last years post). It seems to only bloom on new stalks and this year there are two new stalks. Crossing my fingers for two spikes of flowers next year.
Here is the recap of the reblooms:
Orchid Bloom: 1 of 4 -- Neolauchea Pulchella Orchid
Orchid Bloom: 2 of 4 -- Den Aussie Chip Orchid
Orchid Bloom: 3 of 4 -- The rescue orchid
And some guest bloggers reblooms:
The Jenny's Lady Slipper
Marisa's Cymbidium
The Jenny's Leopard Orchid (rebloom part 2)
Nicely done ladies. Who says orchids are hard?! (can you hear them all dying in my kitchen as we speak...)
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