Monday, June 28, 2010

Black Mondo Grass

Black Mondo Grass also known as Ophiopogon planiscapus 'nigrescens' is actually part of the lily family and not a grass. This is most obvious when it blooms...

Here's some cool info on propagating it from seed... useful if your are patient, since a small container of black mondo grass is about $12, and can get really pricey if you want to use it as a ground cover...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Libertia peregrinans

By The Jenny, Guest Blogger

This spiky plant is pretty awesome. Green and orange. More orange on the sides the sun hits the most, more green on the shady sides. This Spring it sprouted a bunch of white flowers. To tell the truth, the flowers don't really go. Pure white trillium type flowers on a rust colored grassy thing. But it would be silly to turn away flowers, so bring 'em on.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Volunteer Pot

By The Jenny, Guest Blogger

Well this was quite a shock. I've been planting different herbs in this shallow pot near the front door for a few years now. This year, thanks to all the rain, they ALL came back. The mint, the oregano, the chives, and the 3 foot tall parsley. Very nice indeed. This lazy gardener approves.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Azalea Resurrection

By The Jenny, Guest Blogger

These poor little azaleas. Didn't bloom at all last year. And it took them an extra long time to get leaves too. This year was a different story. Might have been all the rain. Maybe the mild temperature. It wasn't anything I did, I assure you. But look how pretty and orange the blooms are! Go flowers go.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Masdevallia, new orchid!

This is the one and only orchid I bought at the Orchid Show back in April. But how could I resist? It's a whole different type that I don't have and it's really cool. The flowers are orange, but they sometimes have a reddish look to them. If you get up really close, you can see that there are tiny little hot pink hairs that are giving it the red color. Pretty damn cool, right?!

When I bought it there were a lot of little spikes growing so I thought that it would keep blooming for a while. But alas, it wanted a lot more water than my other ones so within a few weeks it had lost all the blooms. I'm sad because it had so much potential, but I did learn it's water needs.

Next up, trying to get it to bloom next year. Until then, it's a happy little leafy thing in my window.